Category: News
Date published: October 04, 2024

Launching Koppert's first Sustainability Report: Understanding the present, moving Future Forward

We are proud to announce the release of our first Sustainability Report. This comprehensive document details the company's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives and marks a significant step towards fostering transparency in our business practices. While Koppert is not yet subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), we are proactively commencing our sustainability reporting to ensure compliance by 2026.

Peter Maes, Director of Transformation at Koppert: ‘Sustainability is the cornerstone of Koppert’s mission and vision, and we recognize that our actions leave a lasting impact beyond horticulture and agriculture. Our inaugural Sustainability Report will help us further align our operations with our mission by measuring our current sustainability impact, allowing us to strengthen and refine our business practices. We are committed to prioritizing the well-being of both the planet and society, and we will continue to do so, reflecting our values and ambitions as we contribute to building a sustainable future.’

Key highlights from the 2023 report  

Our team of 2,635 employees was active in 34 countries. Our collaborative efforts have led to a significant reduction of over 480 000 kg of agrochemicals from the environment thanks to the use of our natural alternatives.

By decentralizing our production and packaging operations, we reduced transportation-related emissions and advanced our sustainability goals. In the Michigan region of North America, we achieved an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a designated transportation route. Additionally, the number of pallets shipped from the Netherlands to the United States has decreased by 30%. 

In 2022, we partnered with energy supplier ENGIE to transition all facilities in the Netherlands to certified solar-generated electricity. As a result of this transition, in 2023, we achieved a significant annual reduction of 8,800 tCO2e in GHG emissions.

Koppert’s global ‘Future Forward’ sustainability strategy is founded on three pillars: environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance. Specialized teams are assigned to each of the 13 priority material challenges and are dedicated to developing targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the next reporting year. 

We are dedicated to continuously improving our sustainability practices and reporting mechanisms. By aligning our strategies with the upcoming CSRD regulations, our aim is to set a benchmark in the industry for transparency and accountability. Our annual Sustainability Report will serve as a testament to our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance.