Natupol Fly or Lucilia sericata flies are used for small scale crops with just a few flowers or for crops that produce very little pollen. The Natupol Fly Checklist shows how to achieve the best pollination results.

The emergence of Natupol Fly adults from the pupae more or less stops at a storage temperature of between 3 ˚C and 8 ˚C. At higher temperatures, the fully-grown flies emerge over time, depending on the actual temperature. Natupol Fly is supplied as pupae in cardboard tubes.

Use 15 ml of pupae per square metre as standard. Modify this quantity in relation to the number of flowers per square metre.

Protect the pupae from direct sunlight and moisture such as rain or condensation. Use coffee cups with lids, for instance, or bags. Do not scatter the pupae loose.

Experiences in practice suggest that the side effects of chemical applications on Natupol Fly generally resemble the side effects on bumblebees. For further information on side effects on Natupol Fly, search in the side effect database for bumblebees (Bombus spp.).

Do not release Natupol Fly without preparation if the temperature is below 15 ˚C. The outcome will be unpredictable and will often take longer than a week. In the event of having to use Natupol Fly at a temperature below 15 ˚C, first mature them in a warm environment. Release Natupol Fly once the first fully-grown flies have emerged.

Protect the opening for the flies against water.

Protect the opening for the flies against heat. It is preferable to use white of light coloured bags/cups at temperatures above 20 °C.