Koppert Biological Systems has developed a new formulation for Macro-Mite, which boosts the vitality of the Macrocheles robustulus predatory mite.
Macro-Mite is an effective natural enemy for the control of soil-dwelling pests, like eggs, larvae and pupae of sciarid flies, thrips pupae, and Lyprauta larvae.
Modified formulation
After extensive research and testing, Koppert will be replacing the carrier material for Macro-Mite. From 17 September, the predatory mite is supplied with a carrier material that includes added peat. The improved formulation boosts the vitality of the predatory mite. As product manager Tim Bossinga explains, 'the improved vitality is a result of the fact that the predatory mite can behave in a more natural way in the new carrier material. Upon delivery of the product, it remains important to apply the product as soon as possible due to the cannibalistic nature of Macrocheles.'
The application advice remains the same as before.
Effective biological control
Macrocheles responds instantly when infestationlevels rise and rapidly multiplies. Macrocheles robustulus has a huge appetite and feeds on a variety of pests. Not only can this predatory mite be used to combat sciarid flies white worms, and thrips, it also makes short work of the eggs and larvaeof mosquitoes and flies, as well as small Duponchelia caterpillars. Macrocheles develops very well and can reach very high densities, which promotes better pest control. It therefore has a great part to play as the basis for integrated control in both vegetable cultivation and ornamentals.
Macrocheles' main menu
Whereas Swirski-Mite is very good at attacking the larval stage of thrips, Macro-Mite takes charge of the pupal stage of this pest. Independent research carried out by the Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture department shows that Macro-Mite kills thrips pupae better than Hypoaspis species.