Aphid control with the parasitic wasp Ephedrus cerasicola

Ephedrus cerasicola is a parasitic wasp that belongs to the family Braconidae and subfamily Aphidiinae. This natural enemy is used for the control of aphids in agricultural and horticultural settings.
Ephedrus cerasicola is used for the control of the following pests:
- Wide range of aphids
The parasitic wasp Ephedrus cerasicola is available at Koppert in Aphiscout. Aphiscout consists of Aphidius colemani, Aphidius ervi, Aphelinus abdominalis, Praon volucre, Ephedrus cerasicola.
Ephedrus cerasicola products
Best conditions for use of Ephedrus cerasicola
The optimal temperature for population development is between 20 and 25°C. Mummies of Ephedrus cerasicola are quite tolerant of low temperatures.
How to use Ephedrus cerasicola
The parasitic wasp Ephedrus cerasicola is available in a bottle (Aphiscout)
- Peel off the outer layer of the label starting at the upper right corner
- Hang the cylinder horizontally from a crop wire, branch, or leaf stalk by winding the label around it and sticking the end of the label back onto the label
- Turn the lid until the small holes align with the opening
The dosage of Aphiscout depends on climate, crop and aphid density and species, and should always be adjusted to the particular situation. Start introduction preventively soon after planting of the crop. Introduction rates typically range from 0.75-1.5 parasitic wasps per m2. This is equivalent to one unit every 250-350 m2. The parasitic wasps will emerge within 2 weeks. Releases should be repeated when aphids are still present. If the aphid species present is known it might be better to switch to an appropriate single species product (Aphilin, Aphipar, Aphipar-M or Ervipar). Consult a Koppert advisor or a recognized distributor of Koppert products for advice on the best strategy for your situation.
Behaviour of the parasitic wasp Ephedrus cerasicola
Development from egg to adult, of Ephedrus cerasicola in Myzus persicae on paprika, lasts 33.7 days at 15°C, about 21 days at 21°C,and 19 days at 24°C. The adult lifespan increases gradually from 2.8 days at 32°C, to 26.2 days at 15°C.
Life cycle and appearance of Ephedrus cerasicola
Adult parasitic wasps of Ephedrus cerasicola are black, approx. 4-5 mm in length. The parasitic wasp lays an egg inside the aphid where the larva of the parasitic wasp will develop. Before the development of the larva has ended, it spins a cocoon inside the aphid. This causes the parasitized aphid to swell and harden into a leathery, black mummy. The mummy is more rounded compared to Aphelinus abdominalis, and when detached from the leaf, has a silvery underside. The adult parasitic wasp emerges through a round hole at the rear of the mummy. In practice, mummies are often found on the plant, but also in hidden places such as on ropes, under the rims of the pots, etc.