Garden Chafer Trap

Insect trap
  • For monitoring and trapping male garden chafer

  • Assists in timing of the application of entomopathogenic nematodes

  • For monitoring and trapping male garden chafer

  • Assists in timing of the application of entomopathogenic nematodes

Use for

Use for

Use the Garden Chafer Trap for monitoring and trapping male garden chafers in combination with species-specific lure.


Lawns, sportfields, golf courses.

How it works

How it works

Mode of action

The Garden Chafer Trap needs to be used in combination with Pherodis lure dispensers. The dispensers release a species-specific lure which lures the males of the garden chafer into the trap. Once in the trap they cannot escape and are easy to detect, count and identify. Trapping males also aids in reducing the number of eggs laid by females as they fail to mate.

Product specifications

Product specifications


One trap with cross vanes and hanging string.

Directions for use

Directions for use


  • Interlock the vanes and insert the four plastic pins into the corresponding holes on the funnel
  • Push the lid firmly into position onto the vanes
  • Fix the funnel to the bucket with a twist action lining up the slots
  • Feed the string through the holes in the lid
  • Place the pheromone dispenser in the cage and seal with the cap
  • Insert the cage into the hole at the top of the lid and push down making sure the case is secure


  • Traps need to be placed where beetles will fly and where access to the trap is not impeded
  • Weekly recordings of beetle catches are advised


1 trap per 2000 m2.

Combined use

Use in combination with Pherodis Phyllopertha horticola.

Product handling

Product handling

Storage conditions

Store out of sunlight.

"The general conditions of Koppert (Koppert B.V. and/or of its affiliated companies) apply. Only use products that are permitted in your country/state and crop. Always comply with the conditions specified in local product registrations. Koppert cannot be held liable for unauthorized use. Koppert is not liable for any loss of quality if the product is stored for longer than recommended and/or under incorrect conditions."

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