Pestalotiopsis longisetula

Leaf spot of strawberry


New diseases in strawberry have been ascribed to Pestalotiopsis clavispora in the case of root and crown rot (of strawberry), first found in The Netherlands, and Pestalotiopsis longisetula in the case of leaf spots, such as leaf spot of strawberry and fruit rot reported mainly from Brazil. The genus is quite complex, so the taxonomy may change. Pestalotiopsis clavispora is also called Neopestalotiopsis clavispora.

Life cycle and appearance of Leaf spot of strawberry

Not much is known about the life cycle. The fungus produces ascospores and conidia, but their role in the epidemic has not yet been established.

How to prevent Leaf spot of strawberry

  • Avoid stress:
    • Take runner tips at the right stage to avoid stress and make plants less susceptible
  • Avoid extreme temperatures and water levels in rootzone Avoid overhead irrigation, since it seems to increase disease development
    • Provide balanced nutrition
  • Avoid damage to the plants by pest insects or plant handling
  • Take hygienic measures:
    • Remove any infected plants in a plastic bag
    • Clean trays, tools, gutters etc. between subsequent crops
    • Disinfect water used for irrigation

Prevent plant diseases by optimizing plant potential and crop resilience.