Verticillium spp.

Verticillium wilt


Verticillium species are non-specific plant pathogens. Many species are saprophytes, Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae are the most important plant pathogens. Verticillium dahlia causes verticillium wilt and early dying of potato.

Life cycle and appearance of Verticillium wilt

Verticillium dahliae survives for prolonged time periods (many years) in the soil as microsclerotia, small hard survival structures that can withstand high and low temperatures and dehydration. Verticillium dahliae also survives as hyphae (mycelium) in crop residues. The fungus infects the roots of plants, directly or through wounds caused by for example nematodes. The fungus then grows into the vessels of the plant and produces spores that are transported upwards with the transpiration stream. As a defence mechanism, the plant produces gum in the vessels. The presence of both the fungus and the gum causes the xylem vessels to get blocked, which in turn causes the plant to wilt. Spores may be wind-dispersed to new hosts. In the senescent tissue, the resting mycelium or the microsclerotia are formed. The spread of the fungus by mycelium growth is limited. Dispersal from plant to plant takes place via water, soil particles, tools, etc. Verticillium can also be seed-borne and tuber-borne.

The optimum temperature for Verticillium albo-atrum is 21 °C and growth stops above 30 °C, whereas Verticillium dahliae has an optimum temperature around 25-27 °C.

How to prevent Verticillium wilt

  • Start with clean soil or substrate by heating it at a temperature if at least 65oC for a minimum of 30 minutes
  • Use clean seed, tubers or cuttings
  • Grow less susceptible cultivars
  • Prevent damage to the roots by controlling the nematodes, as damaged spots can be used as points of entry

Prevent plant diseases by optimizing plant potential and crop resilience.