Precautionary measures for product allergies

Just as you can be allergic to cats, pollen, and dust mites, it is also possible to be allergic to the natural substances in predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products. If you are not allergic, but come into close and prolonged contact with certain substances, you could still develop an allergy. On this page, we advise you on the precautionary measures you can take to prevent or reduce any allergic reactions caused by the type of products mentioned above.

Which products are of concern?

This concerns the predatory mites, feeder mites, and supplementary feeding products sold by Koppert. Icons on the product packaging show you the precautionary measures that can be taken to prevent possible allergic reactions.

Prevent exposure via inhalation and ingestion by wearing a mask.
Prevent exposure via your skin by wearing protective clothing that covers your arms and legs.
Prevent exposure via your skin by wearing gloves.

Exposure and precautionary measures

Depending on the way in which you are exposed to the substances in these products, there are specific precautionary measures you can take:

Exposure via inhalation and ingestion
To prevent exposure via inhalation and ingestion, we recommend wearing respiratory equipment with a P3 filter as a minimum, but preferably a full mask with a P3 filter.

Exposure via skin
If there is a risk of exposure via your skin, we recommend that you wear protective clothing that covers your arms and legs (e.g. a disposable overall). We also advise you to cover your hands by wearing gloves.

Application device

If you use an application device, avoid direct contact and make sure that there is no one in the direct airflow of the blower.


Once you have finished your work, take off your gloves, shoes and clothes before taking off your mask. Clean your clothes and shoes at your workplace if possible and do not take them home, to avoid spreading allergens and other particles. If you do wash your clothes at home, moisten your clothes at work and take them home in a closed plastic bag. Moistening the clothes in the bag prevents allergens and other particles from dispersing in the air when you open the bag.

Possible allergic reactions and treatment

However, if you do come into contact with substances in the products mentioned above and you turn out to be allergic, you may experience symptoms relating to your skin (such as red, itchy skin or allergic eczema), nose (such as sneezing, runny nose, or an itchy nose), or eyes (such as itchy or watery eyes).

If you experience symptoms and have any questions, please contact your health and safety service or doctor. In case of a life-threatening situation call the emergency medical services immediately.

A combination of factors

The level of sensitivity differs per person. Allergy problems can occur within just a few weeks of the first moment of contact, or could take years to appear. Not everyone who is exposed to allergens will develop an allergy. It is difficult to determine in practice which substance will cause an allergic reaction. An allergy can also be caused by other triggers, or a combination of triggers, from your environment (pollen, bran, or other volatile substances in your surroundings). You would need to take an allergy test to determine which substance you are allergic to.

This information is intended solely for informative purposes and may not be used to diagnose or treat a health-related problem, as it is not a substitute for medical care. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, consult a doctor.

This information was compiled in conjunction with health and safety service ‘Arbodienst Perspectief'.

FAQ product allergies


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Gisele Groenewoud, Occupational Allergy in Horticulture/Beroepsallergie in de glas- en tuinbouw, Rotterdam, 2004, ISBN 90-90 185 25-9.

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