As of 1 August, also the predatory mite paper sachets will be delivered with a hook that has a moisture-resistant coating on both sides. As a result, the hook is sturdier and more resistant to moisture, so that the sachets remain firmly in place in the crop.
Product manager Tim Bossinga explains, 'Following the launch of Swirski Ulti-Mite, Koppert started using sturdier hooks. Now we want to make this improvement available for all our slow-release sachets in order to make these products even more robust.'
This improvement will be applied on the following products.
- Swirski-Mite Plus: for control of whitefly and thrips
- Swirski-Mite LD: for control of whitefly and thrips
- Spical-Plus: for control of various spider mite species
- Thripex-Plus: for control of various thrips species
The use of our sachets offers a lot of advantages.
- Constantly large population of predatory mites in your crops
- Little opportunity for pests to establish themselves
- Optimum protection
- Less plant stress
- Reduced chemical use
- Simple to use
- Labour-saving compared to regular manual release using scatter bottles
Consult your advisor about the right solutions for your crop.