The southern green stink bug Nezara viridula, is a highly destructive pest, damaging many important food crops. Nezapar, the parasitic wasp Trissolcus basalis, effectively controls Nezara, preventing the stinkbug’s eggs from hatching. Using Nezapar significantly reduces the use of disruptive corrections. Result: your existing biocontrol system remains intact.

Reasons to use Nezapar
- Effective solution to control Nezara viridula
- No/less need for disruptive chemical corrections
- Your existing biocontrol system remains intact
- Labor saving
Signifcant reduction of disruptive corrections
Previously stink bugs could only be treated with highly disruptive chemical agents leaving growers to make a difficult choice; the labour-intensive manual squeezing of the stink bug, risking damage of their valuable crop, or the application of disruptive corrections. With Nezapar growers can continue to rely on their biocontrol systems that are present in their crop as well as excluding any risk of resistance.

Viable commercial quantities
The parasitic wasps and their capacity to parasitize, thus impacting the development of Nezara, has been described in research papers for some time. Koppert is the first to achieve scaling-up the rearing of Trissolcus basalis to viable commercial quantities making it possible to introduce the beneficial at every relevant moment.
Origin and natural distribution
Trissolcus basalis is the most widespread egg parasitoid of Nezara viridula. The females start to mate and lay eggs immediately after emerging from the host eggs and lay 1 egg per host egg. Larvae develop inside the host eggs, and after pupation they emerge from the host egg by biting a hole in the lid of the Nezara egg.