We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support after the passing of Peter, my dear husband, our father, father-in-law, and grandfather. Your attention, flowers, cards, and kind words have moved us deeply and helped us during this difficult time.
Peter's warmth and commitment, which were so characteristic of him, have been reflected in the compassion we have received from you. It is heartwarming that Peter meant so much to others throughout his life. Your sympathy is a testament to the special bond Peter had with so many of you. These are memories that comfort us and we shall treasure those for the time to come. It has been Peter's wish for us to continue trusting God, giving us hope and faith for the future.
Diny Koppert - van der Tas
Arjan en Géanne
David, Lucas, Jaron
Bram en Inara
Ameliya, Maksima
René en Mirjam
Nathan, Jefta, Aron, Noa
Martin en Mona
Mila, Jan