Swirski-Mite Plus is a trusted biological solution from Koppert Biological Systems for the effective control of thrips and whitefly in many crops worldwide. The packaging containing predatory mites will have a ‘new look’ as of 8 July.
‘This successful biological control product containing predatory mites will have a new look that reflects its quality and reliability even more,’ says Koppert Product Manager, Tim Bossinga. ‘The material of the sachet is still the same, but the shape is more elongated and features a new design. The properties and application remain unchanged, and recent tests with the new packaging show that the emergence of mites is equal to the current Swirski-Mite Plus sachet.´
Efficient control of whitefly and thrips
Koppert introduced Amblyseius swirskii to the protected cultivation market in 2006 when these mites instantly became one of the most successful biological control agents in Europe. At the time, fresh produce exports from Spain were stopped due to the presence of pesticide residue. The biological control solution provided an excellent alternative to chemical control agents and was adopted on a grand scale. Over the past decade Koppert’s R&D innovations have taken Swirski-Mite Plus to new levels.