Category: News
Date published: January 31, 2023

Introducing beneficial nematodes for Agriculture and Horticulture at Fruit Logistica

Introducing beneficial nematodes for Agriculture and Horticulture at Fruit Logistica

Beneficial nematodes in the spotlight
Koppert will be present at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from February 8 to 10, where it will share its latest innovations, products and services.

Beneficial nematodes for Agriculture and Horticulture
Among the latest solutions that will be introduced are our beneficial nematodes for horticulture and agriculture.

Nematodes combat a range of foliage-feeding pests and Koppert now produces three varieties of these natural solutions for both agriculture and horticulture. Nematodes have increasingly become a powerful part of sustainable IPM solutions. They offer growers opportunities to control pests in the soil such as thrips pupae, and larvae of sciarid flies, vine weevils, several beetle species, and foliage-feeding pests such as caterpillars.

New product branding
After launching our new Koppert corporate branding last year, we are now happy to present our premium product branding.
Don’t forget to stop by and check it out.

You can find us in Hall 1.2, stand C30. See you at Fruit Logistica!

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