This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Koppert Biological Systems. Over these fifty years, our company has grown from a small, pioneering enterprise to a global market leader in sustainable cultivation.
In 1967, cucumber grower Jan Koppert established his own company. He believed that pests could be controlled just as well, or even better, using their natural enemies compared with chemical products.
This thought came at a time when society was beginning to seriously question the use of chemicals. Indeed, just five years earlier, Rachel Carson published her famous book and worldwide bestseller Silent Spring. In this work, she warned of the use of copious amounts of insecticide and pesticide and the damaging effects this has on the environment.
A much broader mission
It's a familiar story: Koppert Biological Systems appeared to provide an answer to a need. However, it was once consumers, supermarkets, and governments started imposing requirements on food security that growth really took off and Koppert achieved success after success.
With 26 subsidiaries and more than 1,200 employees, the company now has a broader mission. Starting from just the production of natural enemies, it is currently looking to make plant production more sustainable on a global scale using beneficials, pollinators, and nutrient systems.
Various anniversary activities
To celebrate this fiftieth year of continued growth, we are organizing various activities in 2017. More information will follow over the course of the year.